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Brands for Canada

Project roles

project manager, ux designer, social media strategist


Following a brand identity renewal in 2015, Brands for Canada found they were not connecting with sponsors, clients, and the community. Brands for Canada needed a way to effectively tell their story and begin the conversation.


Research began with a social media audit review, BFC needed to know why their current use of social media was not as successful as they had hoped.  A previously completed social media audit held the answers.  Following the review there was a comparative analysis of both competing and partnering not-for-profit organizations.


Personas were developed to inform BFC of their target demographics and a website review and user journey story highlighted key areas to focus for future iterations.


BFC was presented with a complete social media campaign package, including; editorial calendar, complete image folder, and all written post content. The campaign was coupled with a comprehensive yet user friendly social media 101 document to enhance the social media literacy of the BFC employees.

more projects

Wychwood Open Door

A complete website and visual identity overhaul.

UHN OpenLab . Hospital Handbook Project

A friendly and interactive handbook designed by patients for patients.

The Little c Project

Helping parents find the words to talk to children about cancer.

After Breast Cancer

Creating a visual brand to build an identity.

Building a web presence for a growing family business.

Building a brand identity as well as a platform from which to launch a new business.